® Structural Integration"> Curriculum Vitae | Rolfing<sup><span style="font-size:12px;">®</span></sup> Structural Integration

Allan Kaplan, Certified Advanced Rolfer™


Allan Kaplan
Certified Advanced Rolfer™
® Structural Integration
Board Certified Structural Integrator
WA State Licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP) #4384
Member, International Association for Structural Integrators

1980 B.A., Oberlin College, majors in Geology and Japanese Studies.

Teaching Experience
2011 Teaching Assistant with Ron Murray, The Pelvis.
2007-present Visceral Manipulation Teaching Assistant for the Barral Institute.
2002-2005 Visceral Manipulation Teaching Assistant with Didier Prat D.O.
1996 Rolf Institute-approved class, “Listening To Tissue: Incorporating Indirect Technique Into Your Practice.”
1995 Rolfing Basic Training at the Rolf Institute®.
1994 Rolfing Basic Training at the Rolf Institute

Rolf Institute® Training
1999 Advanced Training.
1994 Advanced Training lecture audit.
1992 Post-Advanced Training.
1991 Advanced Training.
1987-1988 Basic Training.
1987 Comprehensive Studies Program.

Continuing Rolfing Education
2014 Spiral Patterns.
2014 Shoulder Girdle.
2013 Working With Bones.
2010 Working With Scar Tissue.
2010 The Art of Rolfing.
2010 Inherent Motion of the Body.
2010 Neural Mobilization 2.
2009 Neural Mobilization.
1998 Visceral compartmental relationships in Rolfing.
1997 Visceral compartmental relationships in Rolfing.
1995 Visceral Rolfing concepts.
1991 Advanced Cranial Rolfing concepts.
1990 Emotional Release in Rolfing.
1990 Advanced Rolfing concepts.
1989 Advanced Rolfing concepts.
1988 Advanced Rolfing concepts.
1988 Rolfing private practice mentorship.

Visceral Manipulation studies with Didier Prat, D.O.
2005 Thorax; Whiplash (teaching assistant and coordinator).
2004 Urogenital System (teaching assistant and coordinator).
2002 Digestive System (teaching assistant).
2001 Thorax.
2000 Urogenital System.
1999 Digestive System; Advanced Studies.
1998 Urogenital System; Thorax; Advanced Studies.
1997 Digestive System; Thorax.

Observation sessions in Dr. Prat’s office, near Lyon, France.

Visceral Manipulation studies with Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O.

Note: I've done a ton more classes with Jean-Pierre since 2014, generally two or three per year in Europe, but maintaining my website has been a chore.
2014 Fascial and Peritoneal Crossroads.
2013 Trauma – Focusing on the Skull and the Thorax.
2012 New Relationships and Latest Developments.
2012 Listening Techniques 2 (Gail Wetzler, PT).
2011 Listening Techniques (Gail Wetzler, PT).
2009 Global Joint Mobilization.
2003 Peripheral Nervous System (with 2-day intro by Peter Schwind).

Canadian College of Osteopathy, Vancouver, Canada
2010 Osteoarticular adjustment techniques.
2009 Advanced Evaluation and Perception Methods 2.
2008 Advanced Evaluation and Perception Methods.
2002-2007 Five-year program including visceral and cranial manipulation.

Studies with Alain Gehin, Dr. Etiopathy
1999 Cranial and Visceral manipulation studies.
1998 Cranial and Visceral manipulation studies.
1994 Cranial and Visceral manipulation studies.
1993 Cranial manipulation studies.
1992 Cranial manipulation studies.

Studies with Michael Lipelt, D.D.S.
1992 Visceral manipulation studies.
1991 Cranial manipulation studies.

Technical Editing & Translation
2002–present Technical Editor/Translator, Eastland Press, Seattle
Eastland Press is a publishing house specializing in books on osteopathy, manual therapy, and oriental medicine, founded by Daniel Bensky D.O. It has published the English editions of the books of Jean-Pierre Barral D.O., John Upledger D.O., and Blandine Calais-Germain, among others.

I have done editing for the English translations of the following:
• Calais-Germain, Blandine, The Female Pelvis, Eastland Press, 2003.
• Calais-Germain, Blandine, Anatomy of Breathing, Eastland Press, 2006.
• Calais-Germain, Blandine, Anatomy of Movement (revised edition), Eastland Press, 2007
• Paoletti, Serge, The Fasciae, Eastland Press, 2006.
• Barral, Jean-Pierre, Visceral Manipulation II (revised edition), Eastland Press, 2007.
• Liem, Torsten, Cranial Osteopathy, A Practical Textbook, Eastland Press, 2009.
• Helsmoortel, Jerome, et al., Visceral Osteopathy: The Peritoneal Organs, Eastland Press, 2010

Other Experience
2000-present Snowboard Instructor, US and Canadian certifications.
1989-1997 Rolfing Cascades Regional Chairperson.
1976–present Practice and teaching of Aikido; 4
th degree black belt (1994).
1984–present Practice of T’ai Chi Yang and Chen styles; Chi Gung.